- Trúa á drauma þína (Icelandic)
Pronunciation: TROO-ah ow DRAU-ma THEE-na
Meaning: Believe in your dreams
Explanation: This inspiring motto emphasizes the importance of holding fast to your dreams and nurturing a hopeful vision of the future. - Lífið er ævintýri (Icelandic)
Pronunciation: LEE-vith er EY-vin-ty-ree
Meaning: Life is an adventure
Explanation: Encourages you to view everyday life as a thrilling journey full of discoveries and surprises, urging you to embrace every new experience. - Hugrekki er lykillinn (Icelandic)
Pronunciation: HOOG-rek-kee er LOO-kil-linn
Meaning: Courage is the key
Explanation: This motto teaches that trusting in your own bravery is the essential first step to overcoming any fear or obstacle in life. - Saman erum við sterkari (Icelandic)
Pronunciation: SAH-man erum veeth STAIR-ka-ree
Meaning: Together we are stronger
Explanation: Emphasizes the importance of solidarity and unity, reminding us that support from loved ones can amplify our strengths in times of need. - Áfram með von (Icelandic)
Pronunciation: OW-fram meth von
Meaning: Move forward with hope
Explanation: No matter how challenging the journey may be, holding onto hope ensures a brighter and more fulfilling future. - Ζήσε τη στιγμή (Greek)
Pronunciation: ZEE-seh tee STIG-mee
Meaning: Live the moment
Explanation: Encourages you to cherish every passing moment and to immerse yourself fully in the present, leaving behind worries about the past or future. - Το μέλλον ανήκει σε όσους τολμούν (Greek)
Pronunciation: to MEL-lon ah-NEE-kee seh OH-soos tol-MOON
Meaning: The future belongs to those who dare
Explanation: Inspires boldness and risk-taking, suggesting that the courage to explore new horizons paves the way for a promising future. - Η ελπίδα είναι το φως (Greek)
Pronunciation: ee el-PEE-da EE-neh to FOS
Meaning: Hope is light
Explanation: This phrase reminds us that hope can illuminate even the darkest paths, guiding us towards progress and positivity. - Κάθε μέρα μια νέα αρχή (Greek)
Pronunciation: KAH-the MEH-ra MEE-a NE-a ar-HEE
Meaning: Every day is a new beginning
Explanation: Encourages leaving past failures behind and embracing each day as a fresh opportunity to reinvent yourself. - Να ζεις με πάθος (Greek)
Pronunciation: Na ZEES meh PA-thos
Meaning: Live with passion
Explanation: Calls on you to invest your heart and soul into everything you do, ensuring that your life is filled with energy and purpose. - Мечтай и действуй (Russian)
Pronunciation: MECH-tai ee DEI-stvooy
Meaning: Dream and act
Explanation: Urges you not only to dream big but also to take concrete actions that transform your visions into reality. - Сила в единстве (Russian)
Pronunciation: SEE-lah v yeh-DEEN-stve
Meaning: There is strength in unity
Explanation: Stresses that by coming together and supporting one another, we can achieve much more than we ever could alone. - Каждый день – шанс на успех (Russian)
Pronunciation: KAZH-diy den – shans na oo-SPEKH
Meaning: Every day is a chance for success
Explanation: Motivates you to treat each day as a new opportunity for growth and achievement, leaving past setbacks behind. - Отвага преодолевает всё (Russian)
Pronunciation: ot-VA-ga pree-uh-DEH-leh-vayet vsyo
Meaning: Courage overcomes all
Explanation: Reinforces that with determination and bravery, even the most daunting obstacles can be conquered. - Живи смело (Russian)
Pronunciation: ZHEE-vee SMEH-lo
Meaning: Live boldly
Explanation: Encourages you to embrace life with confidence and take bold steps towards your goals, regardless of the risks involved. - Marz wielko, działaj śmiało (Polish)
Pronunciation: marz VYEL-ko, ja-WAI shmia-wo
Meaning: Dream big and act boldly
Explanation: This motto challenges you to set grand ambitions and pursue them with fearless determination, transforming dreams into achievements. - Siła tkwi w tobie (Polish)
Pronunciation: SHEE-wa tkvee v TO-beh
Meaning: The strength is within you
Explanation: Reminds you to look inward and recognize your own potential and power, rather than relying solely on external validation. - Każdy dzień to nowa szansa (Polish)
Pronunciation: KAŻ-dy dzień to NO-va shan-sa
Meaning: Every day is a new chance
Explanation: Inspires you to greet each new morning as a fresh opportunity to improve, succeed, and create the life you desire. - Odwaga wygrywa (Polish)
Pronunciation: od-VA-ga vy-GREE-va
Meaning: Courage wins
Explanation: Conveys that decisive, courageous actions are the true keys to overcoming obstacles and achieving lasting success. - Podążaj za marzeniami (Polish)
Pronunciation: po-DOHN-zai za mar-ZHE-ni-ah-mee
Meaning: Follow your dreams
Explanation: Urges you to relentlessly pursue your ambitions, knowing that the journey toward your dreams is as important as the destination.
80 inspiring mottos in various languages are more than just words—they carry the power to transform your life. With each phrase reflecting unique cultural perspectives, this collection offers wisdom and courage that can guide you through any challenge. Embrace the inspirational messages, and let these timeless expressions spark new possibilities in your life.
Reference: Oxford Languages and Google / Forvo