- Acredite no impossível (Portuguese)
Pronunciation: ah-kreh-DEE-chee nin im-POH-see-vel
Meaning: Believe in the impossible
Explanation: This motto challenges you to set aside self-imposed limits and trust your inner potential, turning the unattainable into reality. - Viva intensamente (Portuguese)
Pronunciation: VEE-vah in-ten-SEH-man-chee
Meaning: Live intensely
Explanation: Embrace each moment with full passion and energy. By living wholeheartedly, you create a vibrant, fulfilling life. - Ousadia traz vitória (Portuguese)
Pronunciation: oh-sah-DEE-ah trahz vee-TOH-ree-ah
Meaning: Boldness brings victory
Explanation: This phrase emphasizes that daring to take risks and stepping out of your comfort zone will ultimately lead to great achievements. - Cada dia, uma nova chance (Portuguese)
Pronunciation: KAH-dah DEE-ah, OO-ma NOH-vah CHAN-sah
Meaning: Every day is a new opportunity
Explanation: It encourages you to see every morning as a fresh start filled with endless possibilities, regardless of yesterday’s challenges. - Sorria para a vida (Portuguese)
Pronunciation: soh-REE-ah pah-rah ah VEE-dah
Meaning: Smile at life
Explanation: A simple reminder that a smile can brighten even the darkest days, fostering a positive outlook and attracting happiness. - Durf te dromen (Dutch)
Pronunciation: DURF tuh DROH-men
Meaning: Dare to dream
Explanation: Encourages you to imagine big and step forward with determination, as daring dreams are the first step to remarkable achievements. - Elke dag een nieuw begin (Dutch)
Pronunciation: EL-kuh dahg un NEUW bih-GIN
Meaning: Every day is a new beginning
Explanation: Reminds you that each day offers a chance for a fresh start, leaving yesterday’s failures behind and seizing today’s opportunities. - Geloof in jezelf (Dutch)
Pronunciation: ghe-LOAF in YO-selv
Meaning: Believe in yourself
Explanation: This motto reinforces the importance of self-confidence and trusting in your unique abilities as the foundation of success. - Volharding loont (Dutch)
Pronunciation: vol-HAR-ding lohnt
Meaning: Perseverance pays off
Explanation: Emphasizing that even the smallest efforts, when consistently applied, eventually yield great rewards, this phrase is a timeless call to persistence. - Samen sterk (Dutch)
Pronunciation: SAH-men sterk
Meaning: Together we are stronger
Explanation: Highlights the power of unity and collaboration, reminding you that shared effort can overcome any challenge. - Mod är att våga (Swedish)
Pronunciation: mod air att VOH-ga
Meaning: Courage is to dare
Explanation: This saying inspires you to step beyond your comfort zone and take risks, knowing that bravery is the first step toward discovery. - Varje dag är en gåva (Swedish)
Pronunciation: VAR-ye dahg air en GOH-va
Meaning: Every day is a gift
Explanation: It calls on you to appreciate every single day as a precious present, urging gratitude for life’s simple wonders. - Dröm stort, lev stort (Swedish)
Pronunciation: drom stort, lev stort
Meaning: Dream big, live big
Explanation: By encouraging you to pursue ambitious goals with passion, this motto promises a richer and more meaningful life experience. - Styrka i gemenskap (Swedish)
Pronunciation: STEER-ka ee yeh-men-SKAP
Meaning: Strength in unity
Explanation: Reminding us that collaborative effort and mutual support create a powerful force, this phrase champions togetherness as the key to overcoming obstacles. - Följ ditt hjärta (Swedish)
Pronunciation: fuh-LY ditt YAIR-ta
Meaning: Follow your heart
Explanation: Encourages you to trust your inner feelings and intuition over mere logic, as the heart’s guidance often leads to a more authentic life. - Tro på deg selv (Norwegian)
Pronunciation: troh paw day selv
Meaning: Believe in yourself
Explanation: A motivational call to harness your inner strength and self-confidence, empowering you to overcome any difficulty. - Hver dag er en ny mulighet (Norwegian)
Pronunciation: vair dahg air en nee moo-lee-HEHT
Meaning: Every day is a new possibility
Explanation: This motto invites you to view each day as a canvas of opportunities, encouraging a proactive and optimistic mindset. - Stå imot frykten (Norwegian)
Pronunciation: staw EE-mot FRIK-ten
Meaning: Stand up to fear
Explanation: A powerful reminder that facing your fears with courage is the key to unlocking your true potential and overcoming obstacles. - Livet er en gave (Norwegian)
Pronunciation: LEE-vet air en GAH-veh
Meaning: Life is a gift
Explanation: Encourages you to cherish every moment, recognizing that life itself is an invaluable treasure to be enjoyed fully. - Føl friheten (Norwegian)
Pronunciation: fuhl FREE-he-ten
Meaning: Feel the freedom
Explanation: This phrase invites you to break free from limitations and embrace your true self, paving the way for genuine happiness and self-expression. - Trods modgang (Danish)
Pronunciation: trods MOD-gang
Meaning: In spite of difficulties
Explanation: No matter how hard life gets, this motto inspires you to persist with hope and determination, trusting that better days lie ahead. - Lev livet fuldt ud (Danish)
Pronunciation: lev LEE-vet FULLT ood
Meaning: Live life to the fullest
Explanation: Encourages you to live with passion and authenticity, seizing every opportunity and enjoying life without regrets. - Drøm, tro, og gør (Danish)
Pronunciation: drom, tro, oh guh-er
Meaning: Dream, believe, and act
Explanation: This motto stresses that achieving your goals requires not only dreaming and believing, but also taking decisive action to make those dreams a reality. - Håb er vores styrke (Danish)
Pronunciation: hop air VOH-res STIR-keh
Meaning: Hope is our strength
Explanation: Even in the darkest moments, hope fuels the energy needed to persevere and transform challenges into opportunities. - Sammen er vi stærkere (Danish)
Pronunciation: SAH-men air vee STAIR-keh-reh
Meaning: Together we are stronger
Explanation: Highlights the power of collaboration and unity in overcoming obstacles and achieving collective success. - Usko itseesi (Finnish)
Pronunciation: OOS-koh IS-teh-see
Meaning: Believe in yourself
Explanation: A call to trust your inner strength and potential, reinforcing that self-belief is the cornerstone of personal growth and success. - Jokainen päivä on lahja (Finnish)
Pronunciation: yo-KAI-nen PIE-va on LAH-ha
Meaning: Every day is a gift
Explanation: Encourages gratitude for life’s everyday blessings and a mindful appreciation of the present moment, enriching your overall well-being. - Unelmoi suuria (Finnish)
Pronunciation: oo-NEL-moi SOO-ree-ah
Meaning: Dream big
Explanation: Urges you to break through self-imposed limits and pursue ambitious goals, fostering both personal growth and remarkable achievements. - Voima kasvaa koettelemuksista (Finnish)
Pronunciation: VOI-ma KAS-saa koet-te-lem-UK-sis-ta
Meaning: Strength grows from trials
Explanation: This saying teaches that hardships and challenges are not setbacks but opportunities that build inner strength and resilience. - Elä rohkeasti (Finnish)
Pronunciation: EH-la roh-KAI-sti
Meaning: Live courageously
Explanation: Encourages you to embrace new challenges fearlessly, knowing that every brave step you take refines your character and opens doors to growth.
[World Languages] 80 Inspiring Mottos That Can Become Your Mantra – With Meanings & Pronunciations
