Legendary Holy Swords Collection: 28 Enchanting Sacred Blades

伝説の聖剣 一覧 27種類 - インスピレーションを呼び起こす神秘のアイテム集 Culture & History

Across various cultures—from Japanese mythology to Celtic, Norse, Greek, British, Chinese, Irish, French, German, Buddhist, and Islamic traditions—sacred swords are celebrated as symbols of divine purpose, royal authority, and heroic fate.

  • Role in Myth and Legend: More than mere weapons, these swords are imbued with the will of the gods, the destiny of heroes, and the legitimacy of nations.
  • Cultural Diversity: Even within the “holy swords” category, each region’s narrative reflects unique mystical episodes and values deeply rooted in its history.

Japanese Myths and Legends


  • English: Ohabari
  • Overview: A sword said to be used in the realm of the gods.
  • Features: Its name hints at divine origins and celestial associations.
  • Legend: Cited in ancient texts, it appears in depictions of divine battles and rituals.


  • English: Habagiri
  • Overview: A legendary swing bestowed by the gods.
  • Features: With wings as its motif, it embodies heavenly power and transcendent cutting force.
  • Legend: Often mentioned as a divine tool used to vanquish evil.

Murakumo / Kusanagi

  • English: Murakumo / Kusanagi
  • Overview: One of the Imperial Regalia, symbolizing national legitimacy and protection.
  • Features: Fabled to have been used to defeat a great serpent, it is central to many mythic episodes.
  • Legend: Associated with the hero’s triumph over evil, reinforcing the divine right of rulership.

Tozuka Sword

  • English: Tozuka Sword
  • Overview: A divine weapon celebrated in heroic legends.
  • Features: Its name implies a collective strength, evoking the idea of “ten bundles” of power.
  • Legend: Featured in tales where heroes confront monstrous foes or dark forces.


  • English: Futomitama
  • Overview: A sword believed to house sacred spiritual power.
  • Features: The name highlights its deep connection to the soul and spiritual energy.
  • Legend: Celebrated in rituals of battle and exorcism for its mysterious power.

Sohayano Sword

  • English: Sohayano Sword
  • Overview: A locally revered sacred sword symbolizing land protection and heroic valor.
  • Features: Passed down through oral and written traditions, it is always associated with mystical power.
  • Legend: Despite regional variations, it consistently stands as a symbol of divine might.

Celtic Myths


  • English: Caladbolg
  • Overview: A sword appearing in Irish and Briton legends.
  • Features: Fabled to cleave entire armies with one strike.
  • Legend: Its appearance on the battlefield is said to alter fate itself.


  • English: Fragarach
  • Overview: Known as the “Answerer” and a symbol of supreme authority.
  • Features: Believed to bestow unmatched authority and justice upon its wielder.
  • Legend: Intertwined with Celtic heroic tales, it is synonymous with wisdom and royal power.

Norse Myths

In Norse mythology, several swords appear as symbols of fate and battle. Although names and legends vary, here are some notable examples:


  • English: Gram
  • Overview: The famed sword of the hero, known for slaying the dragon Fafnir.
  • Features: Symbolizes destiny and heroic transformation.
  • Legend: Featured in sagas as a pivotal element in epic battles.


  • English: Mistilteinn
  • Overview: A sword imbued with magical properties.
  • Features: Its name, associated with mistletoe, adds an enigmatic quality.
  • Legend: Referenced in sagas as key to overcoming giants and adversaries.


  • English: Frotti
  • Overview: A lesser-known sword mentioned in fragmented Norse lore.
  • Features: Said to grant its bearer formidable strength, though details are sparse.
  • Legend: Hinted at as a weapon of heroes in various accounts.

Hǫfuð (Hofud)

  • English: Hofud
  • Overview: A sword sporadically mentioned in Old Norse poetry.
  • Features: Its power is primarily symbolic rather than literal.
  • Legend: Often cited as an emblem of divine strength, with varying details.


  • English: Ridill
  • Overview: Appears in Norse narratives with varied spellings and minimal details.
  • Features: Its magical attributes remain ambiguous.
  • Legend: Suggested to have been wielded by legendary figures.


  • English: Lævateinn
  • Overview: A potent symbol of magic and destruction in Norse lore.
  • Features: The name implies a weapon that channels fiery, cursed energies.
  • Legend: Referenced in ancient texts as playing a role in battles between gods and giants.


  • English: Ekkisax
  • Overview: A sword noted in Norse and Germanic traditions.
  • Features: Praised for its martial prowess despite fewer detailed legends.
  • Legend: Its fragmented accounts evoke the aura of an ancient battle-worn weapon.


  • English: Sköfnung
  • Overview: Celebrated in Icelandic sagas as a sword of legendary kings and heroes.
  • Features: Known for its exceptional sharpness and mystical properties, it is said to choose its own bearer.
  • Legend: Passed down as a treasured heirloom, its power is both a blessing and a burden.

Greek Myths

Sword of Damocles

  • English: Sword of Damocles
  • Overview: A sword that exists more as a symbol than a physical weapon.
  • Features: Its ever-hanging presence epitomizes the peril that accompanies great power.
  • Legend: Often recounted as a moral tale about the burdens of leadership.

British Legends


  • English: Furunting
  • Overview: An ancient sacred sword from British legends.
  • Features: Symbolizes heroic grandeur and mystical power on the battlefield.
  • Legend: Regional legends emphasize its role in affirming royal authority and valor.


  • English: Ascalon
  • Overview: The sword famously wielded by Saint George against a dragon.
  • Features: Embodies righteousness and faith as a divine weapon against evil.
  • Legend: A central icon in Christian legends that has inspired art and literature.


  • English: Arolandite
  • Overview: A sacred sword passed down through noble bloodlines.
  • Features: Represents loyalty, honor, and the purity of spirit.
  • Legend: Interwoven with Arthurian and other British legends, it marks moments of destiny and trial.


  • English: Excalibur
  • Overview: The legendary sword bestowed upon King Arthur by the Lady of the Lake.
  • Features: A symbol of royal legitimacy and magical prowess whose brilliance signifies hope and destiny.
  • Legend: Revered in countless knightly epics as the embodiment of chivalric ideals.


  • English: Cartena
  • Overview: A ceremonial sword used in coronations and state rituals.
  • Features: Denotes compassion, justice, and the prosperity of a nation.
  • Legend: Historically linked to royal ceremonies, it continues to inspire notions of divine rule.

Chinese Legends

Gan Jiang and Mo Ye

  • English: Gan Jiang and Mo Ye
  • Overview: A legendary sword crafted by the famed swordsmith Gan Jiang and his wife Mo Ye.
  • Features: Celebrated for its exquisite craftsmanship and mystical force that brings victory and honor.
  • Legend: Featured prominently in Chinese classical literature and folklore as a symbol of martial excellence.

Irish Legends

Claíomh Solais (Sword of Light)

  • English: Sword of Light
  • Overview: Known as the “Sword of Light,” this mystical blade is said to bestow clarity and truth.
  • Features: It illuminates the path of righteousness, guiding its bearer with divine wisdom.
  • Legend: Featured in epic Irish narratives, symbolizing justice and sacred duty.

French Legends


  • English: Jowayuze
  • Overview: A legendary sword associated with French royalty, notably linked to Charlemagne.
  • Features: Its transformative hues and divine aura attest to the bearer’s power and legitimacy.
  • Legend: Intertwined with royal genealogy, it symbolizes national prosperity and heroic valor.


  • English: Durandal
  • Overview: The sword of the heroic Roland from the medieval epic “The Song of Roland.”
  • Features: Renowned for its unbreakable strength and radiant brilliance that sways the tides of battle.
  • Legend: An enduring emblem of courage and loyalty in French medieval legend.

German Legends


  • English: Balmung
  • Overview: A heroic sword featured in Germanic epics, sometimes equated with the Norse Gram.
  • Features: Its formidable reputation is forged in legendary battles.
  • Legend: Emblematic of a hero’s struggle against destiny, its name echoes through epic lore.


  • English: Blutgang
  • Overview: A sacred sword in German legend evoking the valor and bloodshed of ancient battles.
  • Features: Its very name conjures images of fierce combat and heroic sacrifice.
  • Legend: Celebrated as a symbol of the warrior spirit, it continues to inspire martial legends.

Buddhist Legends

Kurikara Sword

  • English: Kurikara Sword
  • Overview: Appearing in Buddhist art and lore, this sword represents wisdom and spiritual purification.
  • Features: Employed in sacred rituals to sever worldly desires and illuminate the path to enlightenment.
  • Legend: A revered symbol in Zen and esoteric traditions that inspires inner awakening.

Islamic & Saudi Legends


  • English: Zulfiqar
  • Overview: A double-edged sacred sword from early Islamic tradition, associated with Ali.
  • Features: Its bifurcated blade symbolizes justice, courage, and divine protection.
  • Legend: Celebrated within Islamic lore as an emblem of holy warfare and righteous authority.


  • English: Rahaiyan
  • Overview: A sacred sword from Arabian legends, imbued with mystical power and local heritage.
  • Features: Often linked with protective blessings and the legitimacy of rulership.
  • Legend: Passed down in oral traditions, it remains a potent symbol of courage and divine sanction.

The title and description of this article are intended solely for creative or naming inspiration. Please refer to dictionaries for meanings and pronunciations.

Pronunciation Guide: Forvo
Dictionary: Glosbe

Legendary holy swords carry unique stories and symbolism rooted in the history and myths of various cultures. The diverse episodes and expressions of power associated with these swords provide valuable resources that offer fresh perspectives for creative projects and brand naming. Use these sacred blades as a source of inspiration to develop your own creative ideas.

Source: Wikipedia

